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Wireless FAQs

Verizon Enterprise Center

Account Updates

How do I change the user name for a specific wireless number?
  • To change the user name for a specific wireless number:
    1. Go to the "Accounts & Maintenance"* tab.
    2. Click on the "Manage Wireless Lines & Accounts" link.
    3. Find the wireless number that requires the change.
    4. Click on the "Change User Information" link next to the number.
    5. Follow the prompts.

    *Please note that not all Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VECt. For more information, please contact your company administrator.
I would like to move a wireless number from one account to a new account. How do I do this?
  • If the transfer from the old Verizon Wireless account to the new one is under the same company name, and are both enrolled in the same Verizon Enterprise Center account, you can go do this by following the steps below:
    1. Go to the "Accounts & Maintenance"* tab.
    2. Click on the "Manage Wireless Lines & Accounts" link.
    3. From here you can either select the "Wireless Numbers" or "Billing Accounts" sub tabs to locate the desired information.
    4. Select "Move Wireless Number" from the "Action" dropdown next to the desired wireless number or billing account. Follow the prompts to complete the transaction.

    If the transfer from the old account to the new account is under a different company name or account name, this is considered an "Assumption of Liability".
I would like to port in a new number. How do I do this?
  • You will need the following information:
    1. Account number with Old Service Provider (OSP)
    2. Primary mobile number with Old Service Provider
    3. Contact number
    4. Billing address information with OSP
    5. Password (if applicable)

    For more information about porting your number, also called Local Number Portability (LNP), please visit the LNP FAQs.


What are the benefits of configuring my own company structure?
  • Configuring your own company structure allows you to create an interface that reflects your organizational structure, as you know it, making statement viewing and analysis more meaningful.
Can I make changes to my company structure?
  • Yes. You can add, edit, and delete a company structure.
Can I make changes to my Company User Profiles?
  • Yes. You can edit and delete User Profiles as well as enroll new users.

    To change any aspect of a user's profile:
    1. Click on the "Settings" dropdown.
    2. Click on the "Profile Administration*" link.
    3. Select "Manage Users".
    4. Click on the User ID for the user you want to edit.
    • To edit the profile, click on "Edit" in the appropriate section and enter the changes on the ensuing screen.
    • To delete the profile, click on the "Delete User" button, then click next.
    • To add a user:
      1. Click on "Create User". A screen is displayed requesting information about the new user.
      2. Enter the information on the "Profile Information" page and click the "Next" button.
      3. Assign the user a role by selecting one from the "Role" dropdown.
      4. Click the "Next" button.
      5. Set the preferences for the new user.
      6. When ready, click on the "Finish" button.

    *Please note that not all Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VEC. For more information, please contact your company administrator.
Why would I want to create additional sub-folders?
  • Creating additional folder levels allows you define a hierarchical view or your organization, grouping related accounts, wireless numbers and users together for more meaningful data viewing and easier navigation.
How do I unassign a user or a wireless number?
  • To unassign a user or wireless number:
    1. Click on the "Settings"* drop down.
    2. Go to the "Company Structure" page.
    3. Click on the "Users" tab in the right pane.
    4. Check the box next to the user you want to unassign.
    5. Click on the "Unassign" button.

    *Please note that not all Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VEC. For more information, please contact your Sales Support Team.
What happens if I leave a user or wireless number unassigned?
  • Leaving a user or wireless number unassigned only affects what you see within the Company Structure tab, and impacts what you will see when searching based on "Assigned" or "Unassigned". The account and statement information for these wireless numbers will still appear within the other portion of Verizon Enterprise Center.
How do I move a user or wireless number to a different folder?
  • To move a wireless number:
    1. Click on the "Settings" drop down.
    2. Go to the "Company Structure"* page.
    3. In the left structure pane, click on the folder to where the user will be moved.
    4. Enter the criteria you wish to search on in the "Locate" drop-down menu then enter the User ID or name you are searching for, and click the red arrow button.
    5. From the list of results that is displayed, check the box next to the user you want to move.
    6. On the structure pane on the left side, click on the folder you want the user to go.
    7. In the pop-up window, click on the "Move Selected Items to the Folder" link.
    8. The system displays a window asking for the destination. Enter the destination and click on "Execute Move".

    *Please note that not all Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VEC. For more information, please contact your company administrator.
I am having difficulty creating a new user. What do I do?
  • Please verify that correct values have been provided for all required fields. If you still experience difficulty, please call your Sales Support Team by clicking on the Contact Us link on the top of the page or navigating to the Support > Contact Us menu option.
What does the "role" mean under Manage Users?
  • "Role" refers to the type of privileges a user has within the system. Some roles grant users a higher access level than others.
Does the role determine what accounts or wireless numbers I can view?
  • No, this is determined by which Billing Structures and/or Company Structure you have been assigned, if any at all.
How can I be sure users that my company users are seeing only the data they should?
  • A username and password comprise a unique login identity. This identity is associated with a user's "role" or specific level of privilege within the system. Upon login, the user's role is obtained by the system and is maintained throughout the session, assuring data security.

Advanced Reporting - Billing Structures

What is a billing structure?
  • A billing structure is the Verizon Wireless billing account that relates to a wireless number or a group of wireless numbers, just as it appears on your monthly statement.
What's a reporting structure?
  • A reporting structure is a customizable hierarchy determined by the Verizon Enterprise Center user. Reporting structures allow you to create levels and assign wireless numbers to those levels in a meaningful way to your business.
What's the difference between a company structure and a reporting structure and when would I use one versus the other?
  • A company structure can be used to manage users and wireless numbers; reporting structures can be used to manage costs. If you want to grant login access so other users can have access to Verizon Enterprise Center, and the traditional billing structure does not meet your needs, you can create a company structure that mirrors your company's user/wireless number setup. If you want to run reports based on costs as it applies to your business and not your billing structure, you can create a reporting structure. If the traditional billing structure is acceptable, you can rely on the billing structures to do both.
What is "Publish" and what does it do for a reporting structure?
  • Publish allows you to build a reporting structure that may look different month-over-month, before making it active with the billing data. As employees and their wireless phones transition to new parts of the business, publish allows you to look at costs in a different way from one month to the next.
Do I have to publish a reporting structure every month?
  • No, you only have to publish the reporting structure once, unless you make changes to it. In order to do this, be sure you choose the most current month to publish your reporting structure.
What happens if I leave a user or wireless number unassigned?
  • Leaving a User or Wireless Number unassigned only affects what you see within the Company Structure tab, and impacts what you will see when searching based on "Assigned" or "Unassigned". The account and statement information for these wireless numbers will still appear within the other portion of Verizon Enterprise Center.
How do I verify if a wireless number is assigned or unassigned?
  • To verify if a wireless number is assigned or unassigned:
    1. Click on the "Settings"* dropdown.
    2. Click on "Company Structure".
    3. Navigate to the folder, account, or wireless number to check assigned status.
    4. Click on the desired folder, account, or wireless number and select "View/Unassigned User" from the pop up window.
      Note: If it just says "Assign User" then there is nobody specifically assigned to that element.

    *Please note that not all Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VEC. For more information, please contact your company administrator.
If a wireless number shows as "unassigned" on a filtered search, can I assume that it is not assigned to ANY reporting structure?
  • No, the unassigned status only applies to the reporting structure you are currently in. The wireless number might be assigned to another reporting structure.
If I change a wireless number, do I have to assign the new number to the reporting structure?
  • Will the number show as unassigned? Yes, you have to assign the new wireless number to the reporting structure, and it will show as unassigned until you do so.
If a wireless number is moved from one billing account to the other, will the number show as unassigned?
  • No, the wireless number will not show as unassigned.
How do I identify the structure name to which the wireless number belongs?
Why do I see inactive accounts?
  • Inactive accounts are in the system for six months, and their purpose is to allow you to view historical data.
Can I assign cost centers in Verizon Enterprise Center?
  • Yes. A reporting structure is a customizable hierarchy that allows you to create levels and assign wireless numbers to those levels in a meaningful way to your business. One of the levels you can create is cost center.
Can I make payments on cost centers?
  • Unfortunately this functionality is not available.
If I choose a billing period range of more than one month's data, how do I identify the charges per each month?
  • The reports show all of the charges rolled together for the entire period you ran the report for. If you wish to view charges for an individual month, then you can run the report for that specific month period.

Advanced Reporting - Running Reports

How do I know what reporting structure I'm in when I run reports?
  • Your current location is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the "Invoices" tab.

What Standard Reports are available?
  • There are a variety of reports available:
  • Additional Charges
  • Airtime Charges Detail
  • Airtime Charges Summary
  • Call Detail
  • Customer Invoice Management
  • Data Usage
  • De-Activated MTN Report
  • Grand Total
  • In Calling/In Network
  • Memo Bill Report – Accounts
  • Memo Bill Report - Phones
  • Monthly Usage
  • Suspended MTN Report
  • View Structure
What is a Memo Bill?
  • A Memo Bill is a summary of charges for an individual wireless number. You can create a memo bill in two locations: the Standard reports landing page or within another Standard report.
What's the difference between a Standard and Custom Report?
  • A Standard Report is a pre-configured look at your statement info. A Custom Report is a modified version of a Standard Report, where you add or delete fields you need to create the report you want.
What is a Batch Report?
  • A Batch Report is a report that is too large to be generated in real time. Batch Reports are used whenever a Standard Report returns too many results. When you run a report that exceeds the system's capacity, you will be given an option to either continue and wait for your request or to request a batch report. By choosing a Batch Report, you can log out of your computer and the report will be ready the following day.
If I know a report is going to be large, can I proactively generate a Batch Report?
  • Yes. Just click on the Standard Report you want to run, and you will see a tab for Batch Report.
Can I run reports on cost centers?
  • If you build a reporting structure that includes costs centers as a level then you can run reports on that level.
How can I setup a report to run automatically?
  • Unfortunately this functionality is not available.

Advanced Reporting - Raw Data Download

What is Raw Data Download (RDD)?
  • RDD is a download available, through the "Global Level Reports" tab, under "Invoices"* > "Analysis & Repoprting" > "Wireless". The download provides all the statement data from the paper bill.

    *Please note that not all Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VEC. For more information, please contact your company administrator.
Why would I want to use RDD?
  • RDD is designed for wireless program managers who want to download all of their company's statement information from Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) and upload it into their internal systems, allowing them to analyze the data any way they want. Please note that RDD is not intended for average users of VEC; the "Invoices"* > "Analysis & Repoprting" > "Wireless" tab should provide all the reporting that average users need.

    *Please note that not all VEC users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VEC. For more information, please contact your company administrator.
Where does the data come from?
  • The download provides a holistic view of all your statement data, which is taken from your monthly paper bills.
When is the download available?
  • The download will be available 5 days after the bill cycle ends. For example, bills with a January statement date will be available in February. To find out your statement date, click on the "Invoices"* tab, and go to the "View Statements" page.

    *Please note that not all Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) users will be able to access this page. Access to the page is determined by the role you were assigned in VEC. For more information, please contact your company administrator.
What reports are available?
  • The following reports are available:
  • Account Summary – Represents the account summary section of your statement.
  • Account & Wireless Charges Detail Summary – Represents the wireless number charges section of your statement.
  • Account & Wireless Summary – Represents the wireless number summary section of your statement.
  • Wireless Usage Detail – Represents the usage section of your statement.
Does the download include all the data for all of my billing accounts & wireless numbers?
  • Yes.
What format is the data download?
  • The download is a .zip file comprised of four .txt files.
Is the download available in any other format?
  • No, the download is only available as a .zip file with four .txt files included.
How do I import it into my internal systems?
  • RDD can be uploaded into multiple systems, including PeopleSoft, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Crystal Reports. Because of the variety of potential database systems being used, Verizon Wireless is unable to support the importing of data. For assistance with importing, you should either contact your company's local technical team, or the manufacturer of the product you are using.
What applications can I upload the data to?
  • You can upload the data to any applications that utilize a tab delimited format (e.g., Microsoft Excel or Access.)
Why aren't the reporting structures I created in Verizon Enterprise Center (VEC) showing up in the download file?
  • The download is a holistic view of all your statement data, and does not include the reporting structures you create in VEC.
I uploaded the data but the columns are not lined up - why?
  • You may not have selected the tab-delimited option when uploading the data. You might want to upload the data again, ensuring the tab-delimited option is selected. If you still experience difficulty, you should either contact your company's local technical team, or the manufacturer of the product you are using.
Can I automate the download every month?
  • Unfortunately that functionality is not yet available so the download must be performed every month.
Where can I go for assistance in uploading the data to my internal systems?
  • Please contact your company's local technical team, or the manufacturer of the product you are using.

Company Structure

Which roles can create a company structure?
  • Primary Contact and Administrator are the only roles designated to create a company structure.
Can I run a report based on the company structure?
  • Yes, you can run a report based on the company structure.
How many company structures can there be?
  • A maximum of one company structure can be set up per company.
What is the maximum amount of folder levels that can be created?
  • A company structure can have up to 8 folder levels including the default level (level one).

Getting Help

How do I get help if I'm having trouble with the system?
  • If you are unable to resolve your difficulty with the online help system, you may call your Verizon Wireless Customer Service representative at (800) 922-0204.
Can I call someone for an answer?
  • Yes. Please call your Verizon Wireless Customer Service Representative at (800) 922-0204.

Online Purchasing - General Information

How do I purchase accessories?
  • To purchase accessories:
    1. Go to the "Orders" tab.
    2. Click on the "Create Orders" link.
    3. Click on "Purchase Accessories" link under the "Wireless Products" section.
    4. Enter your zip code and click "Continue".
    5. You can choose to shop by brand, or browse through our selection of universal accessories.
What is available for me to buy online?
  • You can purchase new devices, accessories, and features.
Where can I find my order confirmation number?
  • Your will receive your confirmation number in step five of the checkout process. Be sure to record your confirmation number at this point.

    Checkout process steps are as follows:
    1. Customer Information
    2. Billing Information
    3. Shipping and Payment
    4. Review your Order
    5. Confirmation

    Note: After completing the checkout process, an email containing your confirmation number will be sent to the email address that is on file in your account. Make sure your correct email address is on file in order to receive this email.
What is "Commerce Cascade"?
  • Commerce Cascade allows you to incorporate new lines of service within your existing Company Structure as part of your company’s checkout experience. Companies that use Commerce Cascade will find that new lines of service are automatically assigned to the correct folder within their Company Structure when the new line of service appears in Verizon Enterprise Center.
What does "Plan Only" mean when I click on "Add a Line"?
  • The "Plan Only" option signifies that you already have a Verizon Wireless-compatible device and are either porting your existing number, or adding a new one. Select this option if you want to add a line of service, and you already have a Verizon Wireless-compatible device.
Can I add Wireless Phone Protection to a wireless number while doing an upgrade?
  • Yes, you can enroll in Wireless Phone Protection within 15 days of activating new equipment.

    This coverage is provided by a third-party licensed insurance agency (Asurion). If your phone is lost, stolen or accidentally damaged, report your claim within 60 days and the phone will be replaced. As a convenience to you, the monthly fee for this service is charged directly to your Verizon Wireless bill.
    1. $4.99 per month per phone
    2. $50 Non-refundable deductible per approved claim
    3. Two-claim limit in any 12-month period (beginning with the date of the first loss)
    4. $1500 claim limit (inclusive of a $200 accessory limit)

    To file a claim, contact Asurion Insurance at (888) 881-2622 or through their website at www.phoneclaim.com.
If I choose "Decline Insurance" at the Features section of "Adding a Line", can I add it to the phone later in the Account Maintenance section under "Add/Remove" features?
  • Wireless Phone Insurance can only be added as a feature in Verizon Enterprise Center at the time of new equipment activation. You can order insurance by contacting your Verizon Wireless Sales Representative, or calling Customer Service at (800) 922-0204 within 15 days of your purchase.
How do I check the status of an order?
  • To check the status of an order:
    1. Go to the "Orders" tab.
    2. Click on the "View Orders" link.
    3. The status for all orders will appear in the "Status" column.
What is the Cost Center field character limit?
  • The Cost Center field can have a maximum of 36 characters.

Online Purchasing - Bulk Order

Can my bulk order have different wireless devices and pricing plans?
  • The wireless devices and pricing plans must be the same in a bulk order.
How do I do a bulk order?
  • A bulk order is created in the "Checkout" section of the purchase path, after you have selected a phone, plan, features, and/or accessories.

    To create a bulk order:
    1. Go to the "Orders" tab.
    2. Click on the "Create Orders" link.
    3. Click on "Bulk Order" link under the "Wireless Products" section.
    4. Enter your zip code and click "Continue".
    5. Follow the steps to complete your Bulk Order.

    Note: The bulk order option is available to the Primary Contact, Administrator and Buy roles only.
In the "User Information" section for a bulk order, what are the options "NL", "RL", and "CL"?
  • NL (Next Line): Copies all the values you have selected/entered to the next line in the order.
    Note: The "Transfer Number" field will not be copied.

    RL (Remaining Lines): Copies all the values you have selected/entered to the remaining lines in the page.
    Note: The "Transfer Number" field will not be copied.

    CL (Clear Line): Clears all of the data you have selected/entered for that line in the order.
Can I select phone numbers from several different area codes in a bulk order?
  • All numbers in the bulk order must contain the same area code.

Online Purchasing - Purchase Order

What is a Purchase Order?
  • A commercial document issued by a buyer to a seller, indicating the type, quantities and agreed prices for products or services the seller will provide to the buyer. Sending a Purchase Order to a supplier constitutes a legal offer to buy products or services. Acceptance of a Purchase Order by a seller usually forms a once-off contract between the buyer and seller so no contract exists until the Purchase Order is accepted.
How do I activate Purchase Order for equipment as an equipment payment option?
  • The payment option for Equipment Purchase Order must be enabled for your account. Please contact your Verizon Wireless Sales Representative to enable the payment option for your. The turn around time is 7-10 business days.
Do I automatically have access to use Purchase Order as a payment option?
  • Purchase Order, as an equipment payment option, is not available by default.
Who will qualify to use the Purchase Order payment method via Verizon Enterprise Center?
  • Any customer that already has already established a Purchase Order payment/ purchasing option through their Sales Representative or Account Liaison.
What payment options are supported online when I purchase equipment?
  • The payment options available are Credit Card, Bill to Account or Purchase Order.
Can I attach an individual Purchase Order to an equipment order?
  • Yes, you can upload a Purchase Order to your equipment order using the 'Browse' button to attach a Purchase Order.
What formats can I use to attach a Purchase Order to my online order?
  • The acceptable formats for a Purchase Order are Word, Excel, PDF or TIFF.
Do I have to use an existing (blanket) Purchase Order online?
  • No, you may either utilize an existing Purchase Order or upload materials for a new one.
What user roles will have the ability to order against or upload a Purchase Order?
  • Any user role that has access to shop online will be able to pay for equipment with a Purchase Order.

Online Purchasing - Shipping

Will I receive a shipping confirmation/tracking number with my order?
  • Yes. After completing your order, you will receive two confirmation emails. The second one will include your tracking number.
  • The first email is sent within a few minutes after you have completed your order.
  • The second email is sent after your order has been processed. Your tracking number is included.

  • Note: Make sure your correct email address is on file in order to receive this email.
How can I verify if my correct email address is on file?
  • To verify your correct email address is on file:
    1. Click on the "Settings" dropdown.
    2. Select "My Profile".
    3. Your email address will appear in the "Contact Details" section of the "Basic Information" tab.
If I complete a bulk order and change my shipping option to overnight, how will I be charged?
  • The charge for first device in the package will remain the same, and each additional device will receive a charge of $2.00.
What shipping options are available?
  • We offer a number of shipping options:

    Standard Shipping
    • FedEX 2-day Accessory Only by 7pm ($0)
    • FedEX 2-day by 7pm ($0)
    • FedEX 2-day by 7pm – No charge ($0)
    • UPS 2nd Day ($0)
    • USPS United States Postal Service 2-Day Priority ($0)

    Standard Overnight Shipping
    • FedEx Standard Overnight by 3pm ($8.99)
    • SED Shipping - FEDEX Next Day ($0)
    • UPS Next day am ($0)

    Priority Overnight Shipping
    • FedEX Priority Overnight by 10:30am ($14.99)
    • UPS Next day pm ($0)

    Saturday Shipping
    • FedEx Saturday by 12pm ($19.99)
    • UPS Sat by Noon ($0)

    • The shipping options available to you are based on your company’s signed contract. Some companies may choose not to have all of the above options available.
    • On multi-line/bulk orders, you will be charged your company's default shipping cost for the first device, and $2 for each additional device.
When can I select an alternate shipping option?
  • You can select a shipping option when you enter the shipping address for the order during the checkout process.
Who should I contact if I do not see alternate shipping options available?
  • To request that additional shipping options be made available, contact your Verizon Wireless Sales Representative.
    You may also contact Customer Service at (800) 922-0204.
How are my shipping charges calculated?
  • Shipping costs are calculated based on your company's shipping agreement, or based on current online shipping promotions.


Can I make payments within the Verizon Enterprise Center application?
  • Yes, you can make on-line payments using ACH (bank account) or by using a credit card. You may set up monthly recurring payments using ACH or a credit card. One time payments may only be made using ACH at this time.
Why can I not use my credit card for a one time payment?
  • At this time we are unable to accept one time credit card payments in the Verizon Enterprise Center system. Our company is looking into this functionality and may provide it in the future.
What types of credit cards are allowed?
  • You can make a payment using Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover.
Can I use a debit card?
  • You may use a debit card with the Visa or Mastercard logo. However, the transaction will be processed as a credit card charge, not a debit or debit with pin transaction.
I want to try paperless billing - but what if it is not for me, can we switch back?
  • Certainly - through the Verizon Enterprise Center systems you may de-enroll in paperless billing. However, please note you will not receive a paper statement until 5-7 days after your next billing cycle.


How do I update a user’s tax address?
  • To update a user’s tax address:
    1. Go to the "Account Maintenance" tab.
    2. Click on the "Manage Wireless Lines & Accounts" link.
    3. Find the wireless number for the user whose tax address you need to update and select "Change Wireless User Information" from the "Actions" dropdown.
    4. The address on this page is the user’s tax address. Update the address as necessary.
    5. Confirm the information is correct, and click the "Continue" button. You have successfully updated the user’s tax address.
How can I change my billing address online?
  • To change your billing address:
    1. Go to the "Accounts & Maintenance" tab.
    2. Click on the "Manage Wireless Lines & Accounts" link.
    3. Click on "Billing Accounts" tab.
    4. In the "Actions" dropdown next to the account number you wish to update, select "Change Billing Address".
    5. Click on the red arrow button. The "Edit Address" page will appear.
    6. Enter the new billing address information.
    7. Click the "Continue" button.
    8. When the Submit Changes screen appears, click the "Submit" button. You have successfully changed your billing address.


Do I need a particular browser?
  • Verizon Enterprise Center is best viewed using Internet Explorer 6.0. To check if you are running Internet Explorer version 6.0, please click on the help menu and select About Internet Explorer.
Do I need any additional system software?
  • No additional system software is required to view your statement online. Additional software, such as Adobe Acrobat, may be required to view downloaded statement data.
Are Verizon Enterprise Center online statements private and secure?
  • Yes. Your account information exists in a secure and encrypted environment. It can only be accessed using the username and password.
How can I be sure no one else is able to see my billing information?
  • Your billing information is only accessible via the use of your username and password. No one else will have access to your account, provided you maintain the confidentiality of this information.
Can I access my account from anywhere?
  • Yes. Verizon Enterprise Center is a browser-based application, which means you can access your account from any computer connected to the World Wide Web.

Upload User Information (Mass Upload)

What is the Upload User Information transaction?
  • Formerly named Mass Upload, the Upload User Information transaction allows you to update multiple attributes for multiple wireless numbers at the same time.

    For detailed steps on completing this transaction, refer to the How To Use Guide: Upload User Information.
Which attributes can be uploaded?
  • The following attributes can be uploaded. You will notice that each is a column name in the sample .CSV file:
  • Wireless Number
  • User First Name
  • User Last Name
  • Cost Center
  • User ID
  • Email Address
  • Email Address #2
  • Email Address #3
  • Email Address #4
  • Email Address #5
  • Email Address #6
Why are there five additional email fields, numbered "2" through "6" in the sample .CSV file?
  • These five additional email fields allow you to enter up to five email addresses, for each user, that can be copied on Memo Bill Distribution.
How do I complete the Upload User Information transaction?
  • You can update the wireless user attribute information by uploading a .CSV file, with your company’s information, through the "Upload User Information" page.

    To access the "Upload User Information" page:
    1. Go to the "Accounts & Maintenance" tab.
    2. Click on the "Manage Wireless Lines & Accounts" link.
    3. Go to the "Bulk Account Maintenance" tab.
    4. Click on the radio button next to "User Information Upload" and click "Continue".
    5. Click on the "Browse" button, and select the upload file.
    6. Click on the "Upload" button.
What is the maximum file size I can upload?
  • The maximum file size you can upload is 2 MB.
What is the maximum amount of uploads I can make?
  • You can perform a maximum of five uploads per day.
Is there a template available?
  • Yes, there is a template available. To download the template:
    1. Go to the "Accounts & Maintenance" tab.
    2. Click on the "Manage Wireless Lines & Accounts" link.
    3. Go to the "Bulk Account Maintenance" tab.
    4. Click on the radio button next to "User Information Upload" and click "Continue".
    5. Click on the "Sample File" link.

    Note: This is a sample file and must be properly formatted prior to uploading it.
Which characters can be used in the file name?
  • When creating the file name, you may only use the characters specified below:
  • A – Z
  • a-z
  • 0 – 9
  • _ (underscore)
  • - (dash)

  • Note: in order for the file to upload correctly, make sure there are no spaces in the file name.
What characters are supported within the upload file?
  • Within the upload file, you may only use the characters specified below:
  • A – Z
  • a-z
  • 0 – 9
  • _ (underscore)
  • - (dash)

  • Note: you may use spaces within the upload file.
What is the file formatting process?
  • To format the spreadsheet, follow these steps:
    1. Select all the cells in the spreadsheet.
    2. Right-click and select "Format Cells" in the menu.
    3. Click on the "Numbers" tab.
    4. Select the "Text" option under the "Category" section.

    • Notes:
      • yMake sure the file name does not contain any incompatible characters. Refer to question 5 above for a list of compatible characters.
      • Make sure you do not delete any of the formatting instructions in row 1 or column headings in row 3 of the sample file. No additional formatting or alteration of the file is necessary.
After I have formatted the file, should I remove the formatting instructions from Row 1 of the sample file?
  • No, do not remove these instructions. Removing these instructions may affect the overall formatting of the file and can cause an upload error.
Does every column need to be filled in before I can upload the file?
  • No, you can upload whatever user information you need to at the time. You have the flexibility to update the user information as necessary.

    Example: if you do not have a user’s last name, you can upload the file without it. When you are ready to add their last name, simply enter it into the "Last Name" column of their row and upload the file again.
Do all the fields need to be completed?
  • You do not have to fill in every field. You will be able to do ad hoc updates as necessary.
What should I do if I don't need to use every field?
  • Should I delete that column? If you do not use a column, you may leave it blank. However, do not delete any columns as this alters the file’s format and will cause an error when you upload.
How do I remove existing information?
  • To remove existing information:
    1. Enter the word "Remove" in the field(s).
    2. Upload the updated file.
Does the information I upload feed in to the reporting and billing system?
  • Yes, the attribute info you upload will feed into the reporting and billing systems.
Will I be notified if some of the information was not loaded successfully?
  • You will receive an email confirmation indicating the upload’s success or failure. If the upload fails, the email provides the wireless number(s) and reason(s) for failure.
Which email address will be used for the email confirmation?
  • The confirmation email will be sent to the email address of the user who is completing the transaction.
What roles are able to access the "Upload User Information" page?
  • The following user roles have access to the bulk Upload User Information transaction.
  • Primary Contact (MYPOC)
  • Administrator
  • Analysis
  • Maintain
  • Maintain & Pay
Once I use the template, can I continue using the same one or should I download a new one every time?
  • Yes. However, we suggest that you periodically upload a new one in case it has been updated.
Is there a report that I can download that would give me a lot of this information already?
  • Yes, the "Device Report", located in the "Number Reports" page, provides most of the mass upload information.

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