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Top FAQs

Top Voice Data & IP FAQs

Who do I call with questions about the enrollment process?
  • Contact Verizon Enterprise Center Support for assistance.
What are the features of the portal?
  • The portal is a one-stop portal for accessing critical information and resources to manage your Verizon wireline and wireless services The online tool, available via secure access 24/7, offers a host of applications that support a full business life cycle and enable you to save time, control costs and manage your Verizon services. Once you have secure access as a registered portal user, you can get permissions - or entitlements - to one or more of the following:

    Orders - Place and status orders for Verizon data and voice products including IP VPN, Private IP, U.S. and global Private Line, local services, inbound and outbound long distance services, Internet access and more! Wireless services can also be ordered.

    Invoices - Review, analyze and pay invoices online. See current charges across your business units and view past bills. Customize daily call detail records to monitor, trend and analyze usage.

    Repairs - Create, view and update trouble tickets for voice, data, IP VPN and Internet services and get electronic updates upon request. View ticket history for performance trending. Perform online tests to avoid a service call.

    Network Tools - Monitor, analyze and control your telecommunications resources via our network management applications. With our Network Management Dashboard, get a single, near real-time overview of network alarms, trouble ticket status, network availability information and worldwide service location topology The Billing Management tab consists of a number of Verizon Wireline and Verizon Wireless billing summary and trend reports.
I logged in to the portal, but am not able to access any of the tools. Why?
  • You may have registered as a guest user. A guest user may view portal content but will not have access to the tools. Contact your account team to request tool access or contact Verizon Enterprise Center Support toll-free at 800-569-8799 (8a.m.- 8p.m. ET) for assistance.
How do I turn off my paper invoice?
  • It�s easy to eliminate your paper bill and become better organized. To get started, you should be a user of the Verizon Enterprise Center Invoices application. Once you have permission to view Online Billing, you can download a Quick Start Guide and complete the simple steps to go paperless, helping save energy and the environment. If you go paperless, we will plant a tree on your behalf through a donation to the American Forest program, supporting revegetation and reforestation projects.
How do I create a repair ticket online?
  • No formal training is necessary to create a repair ticket online. We have developed a Quick Start Guide that walks you through the simple steps. Note that you need to have permission � or entitlement � to the Repairs application to submit a repair ticket on Verizon Enterprise Center.

Top Wireless FAQs

Why is Verizon Wireless changing its data pricing?
  • We are streamlining our Data Packages and Data Plans and creating usage based options that, regardless of the device, allow you to select the package that best matches your use. Our new usage based data pricing model will offer you more options for Smartphones and updated options for basic phones, tablets and netbooks. There will be no change to existing Data Plans for standalone Mobile Hotspots (MiFi� or 4G Mobile Hotspot) or USB Modems.
Can I use Backup Assistant to transfer my address book to another phone?
  • Backup Assistant makes it easy to transfer your address book from your current phone to a new phone.

    Follow these simple steps:

    Existing/Old Phone:
    1. Download and Install Backup Assistant to the old/existing phone.
    2. Complete a full backup of the address book.
    3. Delete Backup Assistant from this phone (this should be done prior to activating the new phone).

  • Replacement/Next Phone:
    1. Activate the new phone.
    2. Download and launch Backup Assistant to the replacement/next phone.
    3. Backup Assistant will detect if the phone is new, and will prompt for the PIN code in order to do a full restore of the contact data.
    4. You may log into the Backup Assistant Web Portal using the mobile number to view or edit contacts online or make changes directly from the phone.
How can I learn how to use my phone?
What do I need to do to use International Dialing on my phone?
  • It depends on the country you wish to call. The International Long Distance (I-Dial) feature must be activated on your account in order to make international calls to most countries, but several countries may be dialed direct without the need for an I-DIAL feature simply by entering the appropriate area code and phone number. For more information, visit the International Dialing page.
How do I set up a 3-way call?
  • To set up a 3-way call:
    1. While on the first call, dial the 10-digit number of the second person.
    2. Press Send; the first person is automatically put on hold while the call is made.
    3. When the second person answers, press Send to create a conference call.
    4. If the second person does not answer, press the Send key twice to end the connection and go back to the first person.

    To end both conversations completely, press the End key.

Top General FAQs

What are the benefits of the Enterprise Center for joint Verizon Wireline-Verizon Wireless customers?
  • Enterprise Center provides comprehensive functionality for online management of Verizon telecommunication services. Enterprise Center enables customers to manage their Verizon products and services for their business. With Verizon Wireline and Verizon Wireless united on the same portal, large businesses and government agencies experience a seamless online experience with single sign-on to their information via the Center.
  • Flexibility to self-manage Verizon Wireline and Verizon Wireless products/services via a single portal
  • Seamless and secure access to critical data and tools
  • Improved productivity and efficiencies
  • Control costs by utilizing online tools
  • Ecologically friendly with paperless options
How can the portal help me manage my business?
  • The portal offers a host of applications that support a full business life cycle and enable you to save time, control costs and manage your Verizon services. You can:

    Obtain seamless access to critical data and tools - Make information, and quick decisions about your network with near real-time access to information. Monitor and manage your network's performance statistics from the enterprise level down to the Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC). Get a 360 degree view of your domestic and global networks with our network management Dashboard.

    Help improve productivity and control costs - Streamline your business processes with a direct communications line to Verizon. Manage your invoices electronically to reduce the costs associated with storage of paper invoices and disposal. Place and track orders online and reduce phone calls and faxes.

    Self manage your products and services - the portal offers you a virtual communications center to make it easier to do business with us, whether you are in the U.S. or abroad. The portal empowers you with anytime control of your network, from virtually anywhere in the world.
How do I change my password?
  • After logging in to the Verizon Enterprise Center, select Settings | My Profile from the navigation pane at the top of any page. Click the Change Password button under the My Profile heading.
What are the software requirements for using the portal?
  • Browser Requirements:
  • We support Microsoft Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome 40+ and Mozila Firefox 37+ for Windows operating systems and Safari 7+ on the Mac. For optimal browser performance while visiting the Verizon Enterprise Center, we recommend using the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

  • Operating System Requirements:
  • For PCs, we support the following Windows operating systems: Windows 7, 8 and 10. For Mac, we support Mac OS X 10.11 and above.
Will I be charged for using the portal?
  • Access to some tools is free of charge. For example, the following tasks can be performed via the portal at no cost to you:
  • Orders
  • Repairs
  • Invoices - Pay & View
  • Internet Performance Reporting (IPR)
  • IP Global Utilization Statistics (iGUS)
  • IP Dial Maintenance tools

  • Access to other tools will incur a charge � typically a monthly recurring charge per user ID. For example, the following tasks are fee-based:
  • Manage Inbound Network
  • View Data & Voice Reports
  • View Call Detail Reports

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