FAQs| General FAQs | Wireless FAQs | Top FAQs | |
Wireless FAQs
Where is Verizon Wireless Mobile Broadband and NationalAccess available?
How can NationalAccess and Mobile Broadband help me and my company?
What is the difference between Verizon Wireless Mobile Broadband and NationalAccess?
Do I need to subscribe to an Internet Service Provider in order to use NationalAccess or Mobile Broadband?
Does Verizon Wireless provide email accounts for NationalAccess and Mobile Broadband subscribers?
How does setup on the device work?
Why can't I send email through my existing ISP mail account?
Can I use VZAccess Manager with Windows Vista?
If I am currently a Verizon Wireless customer, do I need a new mobile number for the data devices or can I use my existing number?
How do Mobile Broadband devices work?
Will the PC Cards work with my laptop?
My PC Card won't connect. What should I do?
Can I get an external antenna to improve my signal?
Is my company's proprietary data secure traveling over the Verizon Wireless NationalAccess and Mobile Broadband network?
Will Mobile Broadband and NationalAccess work with IP Sec and existing VPN Solutions?
What is Mobile Broadband Connect?
How would having BBA connect benefit me?
How do I get Mobile Broadband Connect?
How much does the Mobile Broadband Connect feature cost?
What speeds can I expect with Mobile Broadband Connect?
Can I receive Rev. A service with Mobile Broadband Connect?
Is Mobile Broadband Connect a Wi-Fi service?
How do I set up Mobile Broadband Connect?
How do Mobile Office Kits work?
Where can I connect?
Will it work with my computer?
Do I need to upgrade my phone/device to be able to use Mobile Broadband Connect?
The computer doesn't detect my wireless phone, what should I do?
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Why is Windows telling me the drivers might now be compatible?
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I’m getting "username & password incorrect" error when trying to connect – what should I do?
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My connection seems very slow; how can I improve it?
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I was able to connect, but the error message "Page cannot be displayed" is displayed. What should I do?
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Why am I getting these errors: "Data Link terminated by remote machine" or "PPP link control protocol was terminated by the remote computer"?
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Why can't I send email through my existing ISP mail account?
What is Mobile Email?
Which email services can I use on Mobile Email?
How does Mobile Email affect my email experience on my PC?
Why am I having problems setting up my Microsoft® Exchange account?
Can I use more than one email account with Mobile Email?
How do I add an email account to Mobile Email?
Is Mobile Email available on an Alltel wireless phone?
How do I install Mobile Email on my phone?
Where can I find Mobile Email on my phone?
I'm being told to update my Mobile Email; what do I do now?
How do I start using Mobile Email?
How do I know when I have a new email when using Mobile Email?
Can I see, send, or forward attachments using Mobile Email?
I am seeing too much in data charges; how can I lower my data usage with Mobile Email?
Are emails that I delete from my phone using Mobile Email really deleted from my inbox?
How do I get my contacts' email addresses to send an email using Mobile Email?
Are there spam filters in Mobile Email?
How do I use signatures when using Mobile Email?
Do all email accounts work in the same way while using Mobile Email?
My email account didn't configure automatically when using Mobile Email; what should I do?
Why am I getting a "Sign In Incorrect" error message when using Mobile Email?
Can I open/forward attachments?
Is there a character limit in email over the web?
What major email providers are supported?
Am I always connected to the Internet?
Can I receive a call while in a browser session?
Can I save Bookmarks/Favorites?
How am I billed?
How can I view/update my personal settings?
If I am roaming throughout the country, can I still use Mobile Web?
If I change my phone number, can I access Mobile Web?
Does Mobile Web support SSL (https) sites?
Can I read the full article?
How do I access News articles?
What type of content is available?
How am I billed for Premium Services?
How do I access Premium Services?
What are Premium Services?
What types of Premium Services are available?
Can I create Favorites/ Bookmarks?
If I cannot find what I am looking for on the Verizon Wireless portal, how can I find additional sites?
Where do I go to search for additional Wireless sites. How do I search for Wireless Internet Websites?
What are the options on the Toolbar?
What is the Toolbar?
What is Enterprise Messaging?
Who can use Enterprise Messaging?
What are the requirements for my company to purchase Enterprise Messaging?
Why do I need an Enterprise Messaging pilot mobile telephone on my account to use the Enterprise Messaging service?
What subscribers can my company send messages to using Enterprise Messaging?
Does the recipient of a message via Enterprise Messaging also pay to receive the message?
What are SNPP, WCTP and SMTP?
What is the intended use for Enterprise Messaging?
What is a text message?
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What is the difference between a text message and an alert?
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What is Text Messaging?
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How can I sign up for Text Messaging?
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Where is Text Messaging currently available?
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Can I have Text Messaging without buying a new phone?
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How many characters can I receive in my text messages?
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What happens if the maximum character length is exceeded?
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What is included in the 160-character limit of a text message?
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How do I know if a text message has arrived on my phone?
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If I have my phone turned off, will I still receive text messages?
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If my phone's memory is full, will I still receive text messages?
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If I am on a call, will I still receive text messages?
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Can I receive text messages outside the Verizon Wireless footprint?
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Can Verizon Wireless subscribers receive text messages from non-subscribers?
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Who can I send text messages to?
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How can I send a text message?
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How do I send a text message from a 2-way capable phone?
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How do I send a text message from a 2-way capable phone to a non-Verizon Wireless Subscriber (Inter-Carrier Messaging-SMS)?
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Can I send Enhanced Text Messages to a non-Verizon Wireless Subscriber (Inter-Carrier Messaging-EMS)?
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How do I send text messages from our website?
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How do I send a text message from any email system with an Internet connection?
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How do I send text messages from a PC using messaging software?
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How many text messages can I store on my phone at one time?
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How long can I store my text messages after I have received them?
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What phones do not support 2-way Text Messaging (SMS)?
What is Text to Landline?
How do I send a text message to a landline?
Can I address a text message to multiple landline numbers?
Do I need to sign up for Text to Landline?
How does Text to Landline work?
Can the recipient reply to my Text to Landline message?
Will I be informed that the landline recipient received my Text to Landline message?
How do I retrieve any reply sent from the landline recipient of my Text to Landline message?
What is the cost to send a Text to Landline message?
I subscribe to a Text Messaging plan. Will Text to Landline messages be deducted from my text messaging monthly allowance?
What charges, if any, apply to landline recipients of Text to Landline messages?
Do I need a special Verizon Wireless phone to send a Text to Landline message?
How much does it cost to retrieve and listen to replies from the landline recipient of my Text to Landline message?
Can I send Text to Landline messages to landline phones outside of the United States?
Will I always be required to "opt-in" to send text messages to landline numbers?
If I allow a Text to Landline message to be sent but the intended recipient does not receive it, what happens?
If I gave permission to send a Text to Landline message but I do not remember receiving a status message (failure or confirmation of delivery), what should I do?
Can I send a Text to Landline message to a mobile phone?
I permitted the delivery of a Text to Landline message to a landline number but I received a status message saying that the message could not be delivered. Why?
How long will Verizon Wireless attempt to deliver my Text to Landline message to the landline phone?
What happens if delivery is unsuccessful after the second delivery attempt of my Text to Landline message?
Is there a limitation on the duration of a voice reply in response to my Text to Landline message?
Will my mobile phone number always be presented to the recipient of my Text to Landline message?
Where am I calling when I retrieve a landline recipient’s voice reply to my Text to Landline message?
How long will the recipient’s voice reply to my Text to Landline message be available for retrieval?
Can I use acronyms and emoticons in Text to Landline messages?
I don’t want to send Text to Landline messages to a specific landline number anymore. How do I opt-out?
Can landline recipients refuse to receive Text to Landline messages?
If I "opt out" once, how do I allow my landline phone number to receive Text to Landline messages again?
What is Vtext.com?
How do I join Vtext.com?
Note: Your company’s Customer Agreement with Verizon Wireless might restrict you from purchasing certain devices. The devices your company has approved for purchase will display when you are adding a line or upgrading the devices. Restricted devices will not appear among the devices available for you to purchase. |
What is LTE?
What is 4G?
How can 4G Mobile Broadband help me and my company?
Do I need to subscribe to an Internet Service Provider in order to use 4G Mobile Broadband?
Does Verizon Wireless provide email accounts for 4G Mobile Broadband subscribers?
How does setup on the Mobile Broadband device work?
What computer operating systems does 4G Mobile Broadband support?
How can I check data usage for my Mobile Broadband device?
What types of applications/services are likely to lead to high data usage?
Does Verizon Wireless send a message when my 4G Mobile Broadband data usage approaches my allowance limit?
Do software updates count towards my Mobile Broadband allowance?
Do I have to turn anything else on when using the Mobile Broadband service from my netbook?
Do I need my 4G Mobile Broadband device to connect to a Verizon Wi-Fi hotspot?
Why can't I send email through my existing ISP mail account?
What 4G Mobile Broadband devices are available?
Will my 4G device work on the 3G network?
Can I use my current 3G device on the 4G Mobile Broadband network?
If I am currently a Verizon Wireless customer, do I need a new mobile number for the 4G Mobile Broadband data devices or can I use my existing phone number?
What is the purpose of the extender cable included with my USB modem (if applicable)?
Are you activating a 4G LTE Device Not Purchased from Verizon Wireless?
Where is Verizon Wireless 4G Mobile Broadband Service available?
Is my company's proprietary data secure traveling over the Verizon Wireless 4G Mobile Broadband network?
Will 4G Mobile Broadband work with IP Sec and existing VPN Solutions?
Note: Your company’s Customer Agreement with Verizon Wireless might restrict you from purchasing certain devices. The devices your company has approved for purchase will display when you are adding a line or upgrading the devices. Restricted devices will not appear among the devices available for you to purchase. |
What is a SIM card?
Is the SIM card capable of storing pictures or documents?
How do I activate my 4G SIM service?
How do I install the SIM card?
Is my 4G SIM card compatible with any existing Verizon Wireless 3G device?
Is my 4G SIM card compatible with any other provider’s device?
Can I use my Verizon Wireless 4G SIM in more than one device?
How do I secure my 4G SIM card?
I have a SIM PIN, but I cannot remember it. What do I do now?
What care should be taken in handling the SIM card?
Can I use my Verizon Wireless 4G SIM card in a 4G LTE device not purchased from Verizon Wireless?
What is Backup Assistant and why would I want it?
How do I get Backup Assistant?
How much does Backup Assistant cost?
Which handsets offer Backup Assistant?
What if Backup Assistant doesn't support my device?
Can I use Backup Assistant with more than one device?
How do I backup my address book with Backup Assistant?
During setup, why does Backup Assistant show a different number than the phone number I use for my mobile device?
How do I change the schedule of my automatic backups in Backup Assistant?
How do I start a backup with Backup Assistant?
How do I restore my address book to my new device using Backup Assistant?
What does "Pending" mean within Backup Assistant?
What does "Backed up" mean within Backup Assistant?
What is "Last Backup" within Backup Assistant?
I accidentally deleted a number from my address book. Can I use Backup Assistant to get it back?
Can I access my contact data from a computer using Backup Assistant?
What information do I need to sign in to the Backup Assistant website?
How do I print out all the contacts in my device's address book using Backup Assistant?
How do I create a new contact from my Backup Assistant web account?
How do I import contacts from my Backup Assistant web account?
How do I add a photo to a contact from my Backup Assistant web account?
How do I delete a contact from my Backup Assistant web account?
How do I manage trash from my Backup Assistant web account?
What is a Mobile Group within Backup Assistant?
How do I manage Mobile Groups from my Backup Assistant web account?
What is the "Sync" button on my Backup Assistant web account?
How do I export contacts from my Backup Assistant web account?
Can I use Backup Assistant to transfer my address book to another phone?
I just received my replacement phone from Verizon. Will Backup Assistant restore the address book from my previous phone to my new phone?
How do I transfer contacts from my device?
What is Bluetooth?
Why is it called Bluetooth?
What is the history of Bluetooth?
How does Bluetooth fit in with WiFi?
What are some of the uses of Bluetooth?
Is Bluetooth typically built in to laptops/computers?
Does Verizon Wireless offer any Bluetooth-compatible devices?
Does Verizon Wireless offer any Bluetooth accessories?
What are Bluetooth profiles?
Which profiles does Verizon Wireless currently include?
What is the Bluetooth pairing (sometimes referred to as bonding) process?
What are the steps in the Bluetooth pairing (sometimes referred to as bonding) process?
What is the Bluetooth headset profile?
What is the Bluetooth hands-free profile?
What is the Bluetooth Dial-up Networking (DUN) profile?
How do I set up a Bluetooth headset?
How do I get additional help setting up a headset?
How do I get help setting up accessories other than headsets?
What are the basic Bluetooth data rate specs?
What are the basic Bluetooth range specs?
What are Business Ringback Tones?
How do I prepare my employee base for launch of the Business Ringback Tones service?
How may I use Business Ringback Tones?
Can an end user have both Business Ringback Tones and Consumer Ringback Tone service simultaneously?
What are Business Ringback Tones jukeboxes, and how can I use them?
How much do Business Ringback Tones cost?
What is the difference between "Load Your Own" and "Professionally Produced" Business Ringback Tones?
How long does it take the Business Ringback tone to be created and be available for use?
What are the Terms and Conditions for use of the Business Ringback Tones service?
What content guidelines are used during review of the Business Ringback Tones script and final track?
Why do the voice talents and background music for Business Ringback Tones periodically change?
What are the requirements for uploading your own Business Ringback Tones background music?
What are the technical requirements for the Business Ringback Tones "Load Your Own" option track?
Can I specify another way to bill Business Ringback Tones content charges?
How do I manage the Business Ringback Tones service for a Corporate-Liable end user?
How do I manage the Business Ringback Tones service for a non-Corporate-Liable employee end user?
What do I do if a subscriber opts out or rejects the Business Ringback Tones subscription request?
How do I change the Business Ringback Tone that is assigned to a wireless number?
Can I control the messaging to the customer for subscription, unsubscription, or changing the Business Ringback Tone?
How do I move a wireless number from one Business Ringback Tones group to another?
Why am I unable to delete a Business Ringback tone?
How are the wireless numbers organized in the Business Ringback Tone application?
What is a Company Structure?
How do I use a Company Structure in the Business Ringback application?
Can I assign management of Business Ringback Tones to a sub-role within my corporation?
How can I add a single wireless numbers to the Business Ringback Tone application?
How can I import multiple wireless numbers to the Business Ringback Tone application?
Why are wireless numbers not being added when I import them into the Business Ringback Tones application?
Where are all the wireless numbers in my Business Ringback Tones template?
Who may I contact with customer support questions about Business Ringback Tones?
What is Field Force Manager?
How do I purchase Field Force Manager?
When will Field Force Manager be available after I place my order?
How do I know that Field Force Manager has been set up on my device(s)?
When trying to activate the Field Force Manager application on a device for the first time, I enter my phone number and the message appears that the device "Cannot Connect to Server". What does that mean?
When trying the Field Force Manager application on a device for the first time, I enter my phone number and the following error message appears: "The phone number is not registered with Field Force Manger. Please verify your configuration by calling your company administrator for help or (800) 922-0204 for sales".
How do I upgrade or downgrade my Field Force Manager account?
What devices work with Field Force Manager?
Are there any device preferences that need to be set prior to installing and using Field Force Manager?
How do I install the Field Force Manager application?
How do I find out what my Field Force Manager PIN is?
How can I remove Field Force Manager from a device?
How do I launch Field Force Manager on a device after I have performed the initial set up?
When I log into my Field Force Manager Limited device, all I see is an Exit option. Why is that the only option available?
Do I have to remember to log into Field Force Manager?
When I turn on my Field Force Manager Limited device, a white screen appears and then goes away, is that normal?
How do I put Field Force Manager in the background of the device without exiting the application?
How do I get back into Field Force Manager after I suspend the application?
How does Field Force Manager locate where the device is?
How often does Field Force Manager search for the device using GPS?
Can the device be located by Field Force Manager when it is powered off?
Can the device be located by Field Force Manager when outside the Verizon Wireless Enhanced Service Rate and Coverage Area?
When is a performed action sent to the Field Force Manager Web Portal for viewing?
Can I force Field Force Manager to communicate with the server?
What kind of Driving Directions are available with Field Force Manager?
How can I use Driving Directions in Field Force Manager?
How do I log into the Field Force Manager Web Portal?
How do I get my Field Force Manager Welcome Emails resent to me?
Where can I see my workers in the field via Field Force Manager?
On the Workers List in Field Force Manager, what do the colored lights mean?
My Field Force Manager worker's status says "Logged out due to inactivity." Why?
How do I view all my Workers on a single map in Field Force Manager?
How do I see a Breadcrumb Trail for a Worker in Field Force Manager?
How do I change the names of my Workers in Field Force Manager?
How do I know what devices are in my Field Force Manager account?
How do I view information from the past in Field Force Manager?
How long does Field Force Manager store my worker’s information?
How do I send a Job to a Worker in Field Force Manager?
How do I set up a replacement device in Field Force Manager?
Is there training I can take for Field Force Manager?
Is there documentation about Field Force Manager that I can save and print for my own use?
When looking at the Fleet Administrator screen, my vehicles haven't updated, why is that?
I queried my vehicle and haven't had a response. What is the problem?
I set up a Geofence but the vehicles are not triggering it?
When I try to logon to the Fleet Administrator, I get the message "Connect failed. No server available." Why is that?
When I try to logon to the Fleet Administrator application, it says "Logon failed for … Unknown user or password." What can I do?
I set up a Customer Site, but when the vehicles visit this location, it does not use the name I entered?
I am searching for a location/street but I cannot find what I want?
Sometimes my vehicles show "lat/lon xyz - unknown location."
How can I change my Fleet Administrator settings for my computer?
There is no trip/speed information. What can it be?
How can I reset my Fleet Administrator password?
How do I set up a Customer Site?
How do I set up a Geofence?
How long will my vehicle data remain on the Verizon Wireless Server for me to access via the Fleet Administrator application?
How often will software upgrades for the Fleet Administrator application be available and how will I get them?
How often is data collected and sent the server for me to access via the Fleet Administrator software application?
Do I need to obtain written consent from each employee that uses our vehicles?
What happens to my vehicle’s data when the vehicle/device travels outside of the NationalAccess coverage area?
Is my device under warranty?
What if I decide that I want to return the device & cancel my service?
Can the device withstand vibrations, variations in temperature & humidity?
When will billing begin for the Fleet Administrator service?
What happens if my usage exceeds 2 MB during the month?
What is Push to Talk?
Which phones are enabled with Push to Talk?
Where will my Push to Talk service work?
What happens when I receive a regular voice call while using Push to Talk?
What happens when I receive a Push to Talk call while on a regular voice call?
Will my regular voice calls be interrupted when I receive a Push to Talk alert?
Will I be charged airtime for my Push to Talk calls?
How do I make a Push to Talk call to someone who is not already in my Push to Talk contact list?
Do I need to have a special Push to Talk phone number?
How can I disable Push to Talk temporarily?
How can I add Push to Talk to my BlackBerry® Tour™?
Where is the PTT button on my BlackBerry® device?
I use Push to Talk, and I reset the left convenience key on my BlackBerry® device. What do I do?
How do I set up my Push to Talk Contact Lists?
How many individual contacts can I establish in my Push to Talk Contacts List?
How many groups can I establish in my Push to Talk Contacts List?
How many individuals can be included in a Push to Talk Contacts List group?
When will contact name changes performed in My Business Account or Verizon Enterprise Center appear on my Push to Talk handset?
What is Static IP?
Do I need Static IP?
How much does Static IP cost?
Where can I find basic information about VZ Navigator?
Is there a User Guide available for VZ Navigator 5.0?
How can I update my Facebook status with my current location within VZ Navigator?
How do I use Roadside Assistance service within VZ Navigator 5.0?
How do I add or remove content from the main menu panel?
How do I change the Points of Interest categories in the map menu?
Does Bluetooth® work with VZ Navigator 5.0?
What is VZ Navigator® Maps?
Will I incur data charges while using VZ Navigator® Maps?
How do I sort by distance after searching with VZ Navigator® 6.0?
How long does a VZ Navigator® 1-Day or 7-Day pass last?
How do I delete a Favorite / Recent point of interest in VZ Navigator®?
How do I sync my VZNavigator® Favorites and Recent Searches with VZNavigator.com?
What is VZ Navigator?
How can I get VZ Navigator?
How do I set up VZ Navigator?
What phones can use the new version of VZNavigator?
How do I upgrade to the latest version of VZ Navigator?
Where can I use VZ Navigator?
When am I charged data usage with VZ Navigator?
How will VZ Navigator affect my phone's battery life?
What are announcements?
How do the various Route Types differ?
What does (Grid) or (List) mean in the Preferences: Display Themes option?
How do I switch between English Imperial (feet and miles) and Metric (metres and kilometers) units?
How do I show/hide category icons when viewing Recent Searches or Favorites lists?
Can I see the GPS coordinates while viewing a location’s detailed info?
Where can I find information about the latest version of VZ Navigator?
I can't hear the audio directions. Why?
Can I change the voice used in navigation?
Can I ensure that a route is traversable by truck?
Can I get a route for bicycling?
Can I get a walking path?
Can I tell the route to avoid highways, toll roads, and/or HOV (carpool) lanes?
Can I change the sort of audio prompts used during navigation?
How do I change the navigator volume?
Can I specify how soon the next turn is shown?
What happens if I miss a turn, or if I know a better way?
Can I place a call while navigating?
What happens if I receive a call while navigating?
What is Maps?
Can I get a map of any address?
Can I pan and zoom the map?
What does ID - Cursor mode allow me to do?
Can I make the Follow Me map place the direction I'm traveling at the top?
What is Navigation Preview?
How do I find a business around my location?
Can I save favorite places?
How do I find a location that I recently looked up?
Note: Place Messaging is not available on BlackBerry |
What is Place Messaging?
What is my default "Place" in the sent message?
How do I send a Place Message from the device?
How do I clear my Inbox or Sent Messages?
How do I find incoming Place Messages?
How do I check for new Place Messages?
What are locations privacy settings?
How can I tell if my phone is enabled to get my location?
How do I set up my location privacy setting?
Can I change my location privacy settings later?
How do I enable my phone to get my location?
If I turn Location On, can anyone find my location?
If I turn Location On, will they still be able to find me if I dial 9-1-1?
How do I log-on to vznavigator.com?
What do I do on the phone to synchronize with the VZ Navigator Web Site?
Can I plan a trip on vznavigator.com and send it to my phone?
What does "Update Phone" do?
What do I do if I've forgotten my password?
Every time I try to use VZ Navigator, it tells me that it can’t get my location. Why?
I get an error message that says "You did not allow VZ Navigator to locate you at this time". What does this mean, and how do I fix this?
Every time I try to do something, I get a message saying "Do you allow VZ Navigator to locate you for 4 hours? 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. Help".
What does this mean, and how do I fix this?