What is Quick Status?
- Quick Status is an excellent tool for all Verizon enterprise customers. You can get a status on a repair that you may have called in or created on the Verizon Enterprise Center.Simply put in your ticket number and the pin you are assigned with that ticket and it will give you near real-time information on that ticket. You can get this information without logging into the Verizon Enterprise Center � designed to be simple, easy, and fast.
How do I find my Pin?
- The Pin is the first three alpha-numeric characters of the contact name on the ticket. Special characters and spaces will not be included in the pin. If you receive status notification by e-mail, and click on the link for �View online status for this ticket�, you are taken directly to your ticket status without entering the ticket number and pin.
Why do I need a Pin?
- The pin is provided for security purposes and is used to verify that you are accessing a ticket number that belongs to your organization.
What types of services are supported in Quick Status?
- Quick Status supports ticket numbers in the following format: YYYYMMDDnnnnn (e.g. 2008052200345) The status will appear for tickets that are not closed and for those that have been closed within the past 6 months.
Ticket numbers for local access services such as AAAAnnnnnn (e.g. DECY123456) and AAnnnnnn (e.g. PK123456) are also supported, but offer limited status information.
How do I read the status provided in Quick Status?
- The status is displayed in four parts for tickets in the format of YYYYMMDDnnnnn:
The summary information shows the high-level status of the ticket (open, deferred, resolved, closed) and when the ticket was opened.
Milestone: A graphical view shows where your ticket is in the lifecycle of a ticket.
Milestone Log: The full history of your ticket activities using automatically generated descriptions.
Activity Log: Shows any summarized updates from the engineer with more specific detail, along with resolution descriptions upon resolution of the ticket.
Update Ticket: Update and request options available to the user, according to the current status of the ticket. These options appear on the Ticket Details page up until closure of the ticket.
For some local access tickets in the format of AAAAnnnnnn and AAnnnnnn, only the summary information is displayed in Quick Status for most inquiries.
How do I know that a request I make online is being read by the engineer working the ticket?
- Each entry made by a user in Quick Status is entered into the ticket activity log along with a flag that is set for the engineer to review and respond.
What are these status notification e-mails I am receiving?
- If you open a Verizon ticket on an issue by telephone, you can request to receive automated notifications showing the progress of your ticket. You can choose to be notified as a key event occurs (Event-based) or on a timed interval (Timer-based), or a combination of both. Your notifications will contain information about the current status of your ticket and will provide links to perform certain ticket activities, providing interactive communication without having to pick up the phone and sit in queue. All status notifications are communicated in U.S. English.
In some cases, an e-mail notification will be sent on Verizon-generated tickets with links that allow recipients to review the latest status updates online.
Can I make changes to how the status notifications are communicated?
- You can use the link in your status e-mail �Manage your email notifications� to view, edit, or delete the notification rule. Online help is available to assist in navigating the changes necessary. Your preferences will take effect immediately upon confirmation of submittal, and they will be remembered the next time a ticket is created for that service identifier. All status notifications are communicated in U.S. English.
How do I Unsubscribe from receiving status notifications?
- You can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link (Unsubscribe from receiving notifications for this ticket) located at the bottom of the e-mail notification. Please remember that the e-mail must be sent without altering the subject. You may also use the link for �Manage your email notifications� to remove or change the e-mail address.
What are the notification methods available to me?
- You can choose to have notifications sent as events occur on the ticket, or at a regular time interval. For event-based notifications, e-mail is the most popular and efficient method. However, there are other options available upon request. These include Pager (e-mail address only), SMS (U.S. only), and automated voice updates (U.S. only).
For timer-based notifications, e-mail status is available.
What are Ticket Creation notifications?
- An e-mail in U.S. English is sent upon the creation of a ticket. This e-mail acts as confirmation of your ticket number, and it contains a link for the recipient to view the status online at any time during the life of the ticket.
What are Event-based notifications?
- Event-based notifications send status when a specified event occurs on the ticket. You can subscribe to receive information when the following events occur on your Verizon ticket:
- Update Customer (Notes from the technician working the ticket)
- Ticket Open
- Test and Analysis
- On Hold
- Dispatch
- Resolution
- Close
What are Timer-based notifications?
- Timer-based notifications send a summary of the events that occurred during the specified time period. E-mails are sent at regular intervals until your ticket closes.
The following intervals are available:
- 30 minutes
- 50 minutes
- 55 minutes
- 60 minutes
- 2 hours
- 3 hours
- 4 hours
- 8 hours
- 12 hours
- 24 hours
- 36 hours
- 48 hours
Why do you offer both 55 and 60 minute intervals on the Timer-based notifications?
- Although the 60-minute interval is more popular, we offer a 50 or 55-minute timer for customers who prefer to have their update prior to the one-hour mark.
How do I request a change from Event-based to Timer-based notifications?
- You can use the link in your status e-mail �Manage your email notifications� to make this change, or you can call the maintenance center and ask your representative to modify your notification rules Your preferences will take effect immediately upon submitting them, and they will be remembered the next time a ticket is created for that service identifier.
How do I make changes to the status notifications?
- In the e-mail notifications you receive, use the link �Manage your email notifications� to add or remove e-mail recipients, add or remove events that trigger status e-mails, or to change the time interval. You are welcome to make the changes necessary to make the status notifications meet your needs.
What are those links I see on my status notification e-mail and how do they work?
- By using 'Access this Ticket online,' you will find the available options for updates and requests according to the current status of the ticket. Simply choose the update or request you would like to communicate to the technician working the ticket, and the screen will prompt you accordingly. These entries will post directly to the activity log of the ticket and send a flag to the engineer working the ticket.
If you do not have access to the Internet, there are links at the bottom of the e-mail status notifications that allow you to interact with the technician. Please be sure not to alter the subject line when using these links.
- Send an E-mail to the Verizon engineer working this ticket*
The information you send to Verizon in your e-mail will be added to your Verizon ticket and will be reviewed by the engineer working the ticket. If the ticket has been closed since the e-mail status was sent, then the e-mail will be bounced back stating that the ticket was already closed.
- Request Escalation on this ticket*
Your escalation request will be noted on your ticket and reviewed by the engineer working the ticket. Please allow one hour minimum between escalation requests to allow time to get the escalation assessed and worked.
- Confirm Resolution on this ticket*
Your confirmation that this ticket has been resolved will be noted on your ticket and your ticket will automatically close.
- Report that the issue still exists on this ticket*
Your response will be noted on your ticket while the ticket is automatically re-opened and sent for review by the engineer. Your ticket can only be re-opened if it is in a Resolved status but has not yet been Closed. If your ticket is Closed and the issue still exists, a new ticket will need to be opened to work the issue. If you are still experiencing issues, please open a new ticket with your Customer Service Center representative.
- Unsubscribe from receiving notifications for this ticket
You may stop receiving status notifications for a ticket by choosing this link. Requests to unsubscribe apply only to the ticket number referenced in the e-mail.
- Send us an email.
Suggestions and comments sent to this link go to analysts working to improve status notifications. This link is not used to actively restore your service.
Your feedback is welcome.
- *Not available for all status notifications
What should I do when you tell me to verify power and equipment?
- Follow these steps to confirm that lack of power to your equipment is not causing the service disruption. When a Verizon technician is able to see a clear path on our network to the customer demarcation point, it may be that the power or equipment is disabling service.
- Check the equipment for loose plugs, broken wires, or anything that looks unusual.
- Check that the AC power is working from the outlet plug all the way to the equipment.
- Note if any service activity has been done at the circuit location recently (for example, a Verizon truck has been in the area or some order activity has been implemented).
- Identify if the service was in use prior to the ticket creation, or if this is the first time the service is being used.
Why do I get an e-mail saying you can�t process my request because my ticket is closed?
- When you receive a status notification indicating that your ticket is now resolved, you have three options. Choose �Access this ticket online� and choose to close the ticket, reopen the ticket, or take no action. If Verizon does not hear from you in 24-72 hours from the time of the Ticket Resolution, then the ticket closes. If you are still experiencing issues, please open a new ticket with your Customer Service Center representative.
Why do I get an e-mail saying that you can�t process my request and I need to make sure I have not altered my subject line?
- There are two reasons this occurs:
You have altered the subject line in the e-mail template created when clicking on a link in the status e-mail. Click on the link again and leave the subject line unaltered.
The e-mail address we have on this ticket does not match the e-mail account from which you are sending the feedback.
Please ensure that you do not alter the subject line of the email and that you are not sending the feedback from a different e-mail address than the one originally provided.
Do you have a Mobility option for these notifications?
- Yes. Status notifications are viewable using mobile devices (such as smart phones and PDAs) in addition to viewing them using any type of personal computer such as laptops, desktops, or notebooks.