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General FAQs

Features / Benefits

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What are the benefits of the Enterprise Center for joint Verizon Business-Verizon Wireless customers?
  • Enterprise Center provides comprehensive functionality for online management of Verizon telecommunication services. Enterprise Center enables customers to manage their Verizon products and services for their business. With Verizon Business and Verizon Wireless united on the same portal, large businesses and government agencies experience a seamless online experience with single sign-on to their information via the Center.
  • Flexibility to self-manage Verizon Business and Verizon Wireless products/services via a single portal
  • Seamless and secure access to critical data and tools
  • Improved productivity and efficiencies
  • Control costs by utilizing online tools
  • Ecologically friendly with paperless options
What are the features of the portal?
  • The portal is a one-stop portal for accessing critical information and resources to manage your Verizon wireline and wireless services The online tool, available via secure access 24/7, offers a host of applications that support a full business life cycle and enable you to save time, control costs and manage your Verizon services. Once you have secure access as a registered portal user, you can get permissions - or entitlements - to one or more of the following:

    Orders - Place and status orders for Verizon data and voice products including IP VPN, Private IP, U.S. and global Private Line, local services, inbound and outbound long distance services, Internet access and more! Wireless services can also be ordered.

    Invoices - Review, analyze and pay invoices online. See current charges across your business units and view past bills. Customize daily call detail records to monitor, trend and analyze usage.

    Repairs - Create, view and update trouble tickets for voice, data, IP VPN and Internet services and get electronic updates upon request. View ticket history for performance trending. Perform online tests to avoid a service call.

    Network Tools - Monitor, analyze and control your telecommunications resources via our network management applications. With our Network Management Dashboard, get a single, near real-time overview of network alarms, trouble ticket status, network availability information and worldwide service location topology The Billing Management tab consists of a number of Verizon Business and Verizon Wireless billing summary and trend reports.
What are some of the other enhancements offered on the portal?
  • In addition to our core features, we offer these enhancements:

    Quick Status - Get standardized updates about open trouble tickets placed online or via phone, even if you are not a portal user. Once you log on as a registered user, view additional detail in the Repairs application.

    Document Sharing - Post important documents accessible only to selected members of your Verizon Business account team or colleagues.

    Additional Languages - Personalize your experience by selecting from a number of languages. In addition to U.S. English, other languages supported are Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and U.K. English.

    Accounts - Search on and find billing accounts, equipment circuit IDs and telephone numbers.

    Quick Links, Search and Create, Utilities, and Support - are all available to help assist you with personalization, customization and communication.
How can the portal help me manage my business?
  • The portal offers a host of applications that support a full business life cycle and enable you to save time, control costs and manage your Verizon services. You can:

    Obtain seamless access to critical data and tools - Make information, and quick decisions about your network with near real-time access to information. Monitor and manage your network's performance statistics from the enterprise level down to the Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC). Get a 360 degree view of your domestic and global networks with our network management Dashboard.

    Help improve productivity and control costs - Streamline your business processes with a direct communications line to Verizon. Manage your invoices electronically to reduce the costs associated with storage of paper invoices and disposal. Place and track orders online and reduce phone calls and faxes.

    Self manage your products and services - the portal offers you a virtual communications center to make it easier to do business with us, whether you are in the U.S. or abroad. The portal empowers you with anytime control of your network, from virtually anywhere in the world.
How can I learn about new portal features?
  • The Message Center is a place you can go to get information about portal enhancements. Check out "Did you know" for some quick user tips. And find out the latest information in "News from Verizon".

Getting Started and Help

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How do I obtain a portal user ID and password?
  • There are two methods.
  • Contact your account team: Your account team may sign you up for access to the portal tools. As part of this process, you will receive an e-mail directing you to go online and complete your registration by creating your own user ID and password.
  • Self-register: You may self register by following the process that begins just below Register on the log in page. This registration process will give you guest user access only to the portal. As a guest user, you may view portal content but will not have access to the tools.

  • Registration Steps:
  • From http://enterprisecenter.verizonbusiness.com and select Register.
  • Select the scope of services you manage.
  • Indicate user and company information.
  • For joint Verizon Wireless - Verizon Business access
    • Provide your Federal Tax ID and Dun and Bradstreet Number.
    • Indicate a wireless number from one of the accounts that you are registering.
    • Verify that you are the authorized signer on the account.
    • Continue through the self-service registration process.
  • For Verizon Business access:
    • Enter your email address and account type.
    • Enter the account ID information that is provided on your invoice. Contact your account representative if you do not know your account ID.
    • Create your personal profile and enter your contact information on the Personal Information screen then click Submit. Fields marked with an asterisk are required.

      NOTE: After you enter all the required information on the Registration screens, a confirmation email is sent to you that includes a verification code and link to complete the Registration process. After you receive this email, you are ready to create your user name and password begin using the portal
  • Select the link included in your confirmation email.
  • Enter the verification code that was provided in your confirmation email.
  • Click Next.
    • Create user User ID and Password. The unique user ID must be between 5 and 20 lowercase characters, and alphanumeric with no spaces.
    • Your password 8 and 12 characters long, contain at least one number, and a mix of both upper/lowercase letters without spaces. For additional security, you can use non-alphanumeric characters, e.g., /, &, +, and *.
  • Select Submit
  • Select Sign In
  • Enter the User ID and Password you created.
  • Read and accept the Terms & Conditions. You must accept the Terms and Conditions in order to use the portal.
  • Click continue. You are now registered and ready to use the portal.
Who do I call with questions about the registration process?
  • Contact Verizon Enterprise Center Support for assistance
How do I submit a question via e-mail?
  • Click on the Support link in the top right corner of the screen. Select Contact Us & Send Feedback from the drop down menu. The Contact Us & Send Feedback page provides a form that can be used to submit inquiries via e-mail.
I logged in to the portal, but I am not able to access any of the tools. Why?
  • You may have registered as a guest user. A guest user may view portal content but will not have access to the tools. Contact your account team to request tool access or contact Verizon Enterprise Center Support toll-free at 800-569-8799 (8a.m.- 8p.m. ET) for assistance.
I can�t remember my portal user ID and password. What do I do?
  • Call the Verizon Enterprise Center Support toll-free at 800-569-8799 (8a.m.- 8p.m. ET) for assistance. If you simply do not remember your password, click the Forgot Password? link on the log in Page. A temporary password will be sent to the e-mail address in your profile. It is recommended that you use the Change Password function once logged in to maintain a higher level of security.
I can�t remember my password and secret question. What do I do?
  • You will need to register for a new user id and password and work with your account rep or service center to place an order for your entitlements to be tied to the new user id.

    Verizon Enterprise Center Support Details
  • US: Call toll free 1-800-569-8799 (8 a.m. � 8 p.m. ET).
  • EMEA: Contact your local Verizon Business helpdesk or your Verizon Business account representative for assistance. You may also email us at vec-support@emea.verizonbusiness.com.
  • AsiaPacific: Call the Asia Pacific Customer Contact Center (Monday - Sunday, 24hrs) or contact your Verizon Business account representative for assistance.

    Australia -   1300-368-811
    China -   10-800-120-0423
    Hong Kong -   855-2110-8888
    India -   000-800-650-1185
    Indonesia -   001-803-852-4383
    Japan -   0120-610-071
    Malaysia -   1-800-80-8000
    New Zealand -   0800-698-863
    Philippines -   1800-1-114-0950
    Singapore -   800-852-3333
    Singapore(DID) -   65-6248-6772
    South Korea -   00798-852-1-36666
    Taiwan -   0080-1-855-432
    Thailand -   001-800-852-4382
    USA -   1-866-501-9260

    Latin America: Call toll free (8 a.m. � 8 p.m. US ET)

    Argentina -   0800-6663317
    Argentina -   0800-6663317
    Brazil -   0800-891-1883
    Chile -   123-0-020-4633
    Colombia -   01800-9-156678
    Costa Rica -   0800-012-1616
    Mexico -   001-8005698799
    Nicaragua -   001-800-2201891
    Puerto Rico -   1-800-569-8799
How do I change my password?
  • After logging in to the Verizon Enterprise Center, select Settings | My Profile from the navigation pane at the top of any page. Click the Change Password button under the My Profile heading.
Will I be charged for using the portal?
  • Access to some tools is free of charge. For example, the following tasks can be performed via the portal at no cost to you:
  • Orders
  • Repairs
  • Invoices - Pay & View
  • Internet Performance Reporting (IPR)
  • IP Global Utilization Statistics (iGUS)
  • IP Dial Maintenance tools

  • Access to other tools will incur a charge � typically a monthly recurring charge per user ID. For example, the following tasks are fee-based:
  • Manage Inbound Network
  • View Data & Voice Reports
  • View Call Detail Reports
What are the software requirements for using the portal?
  • Browser Requirements:
  • We support Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0+, Netscape 7.2+ and Mozila Firefox 1.5+ in a Windows based computer. We support Netscape 7.0+ and Safari 2.0+ on the Mac. For optimal browser performance while visiting the Verizon Enterprise Center, we recommend using the latest version of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

  • Operating System Requirements:
  • For PCs, we support the following Windows operating systems: Windows XP, ME, NT, 2000, 98 and 95. For Mac, we support Mac OS X
How do I manage my user profile?
  • Profile Management is located in Settings. This lets you manage your specific profile.
Where do I go for training on Verizon Enterprise Center?
  • After logging in, select Support | Training from the navigation pane at the top of any page. This link will take you to the Customer Training and Documentation website, which provides information about instructor-led and on-demand courses for Verizon Enterprise Center tools. You will also find links to download tool-specific user and reference guides.
    Specific questions can also be directed to the Verizon Enterprise Center Support at 800-569-8799 (8 a.m. - 8 p.m. ET) for assistance.
What languages are supported on the portal?
  • Personalize your experience by selecting from a number of languages. In addition to U.S. English, other languages supported are Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and U.K. English.
What are the requirements for me to see the Verizon Wireless accounts online?
  • In order to view your Verizon Wireless accounts in the Verizon Enterprise Center, you must be an authorized contact from your company, and your company must have a current national account agreement with Verizon Wireless. You may register directly online. If you are already registered in My Business Account, then please contact us at 800-922-0204. We will complete the final validation of your company's eligibility in order to transition you to the Verizon Enterprise Center


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How do I turn off my paper invoice?
  • It�s easy to eliminate your paper bill and become better organized. To get started, you should be a user of the Verizon Enterprise Center Invoices application. Once you have permission to view Online Billing, you can download a Quick Start Guide and complete the simple steps to go paperless, helping save energy and the environment. If you go paperless, we will plant a tree on your behalf through a donation to the American Forest program, supporting revegetation and reforestation projects.
Will I be notified when my invoice is available for viewing online?
  • The Verizon Enterprise Center Notification Rules application, accessed from the "Manage Voice, Data and IP Media/Manage Custom Notifications" link on the Invoice tab, gives you the ability to control whether or not you receive an e-mail notification for your monthly invoice(s). In addition, you can identify which e-mail and/or pager addresses should receive this notification.

    If you do not currently receive an invoice notification e-mail, click "Manage Voice, Data and IP Media/Manage Custom Notifications" and enable the invoice notification rule. If you currently receive an invoice notification e-mail and wish to unsubscribe, you will have to "disable" the invoice notification rule through the Notification Rules application.
How do I pay my Invoice Online?
  • You can pay your invoice on the Enterprise Center if you are entitled to use our Online Billing feature. Online payment is also limited to bills generated from the following billing platforms: IX Plus (Option 1) or NCBS (Options 2 and 3) billing platforms; CRIS � NY, CRIS � NE; NPD; NBBE - VSSI LD, NBBE � VNIC, NBBE - MDW, NBBE - FCC Direct, NBBE - NSB/NICB, NBBE � NSS; CBSS , CABS West , and CABS � East; and SSB. Depending on the billing system, a dollar limit may exist on each billing transaction so multiple transactions may be required.
Can I pay by Credit Card?
  • Yes. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted.
Can I pay by Check?
  • Yes. You can pay by check in two ways: EFT (electronic fund transfer) enables you to pay your monthly Verizon Business services online from your checking account; or you can print a remittance slip and mail in a check the traditional way.
Do I have any options to schedule a monthly payment?
  • Yes. You have three options: You can make an immediate payment, you can schedule a one time payment within 30 days, or you can schedule a monthly recurring payment. For recurring payments, you also have the option to edit or cancel these payments.


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What is Repairs?
  • The Repairs application is found on the Verizon Enterprise Center under the Repairs tab. It is completely web-based, offering customers a simple yet robust electronic ticketing tool and a circuit testing tool that allows users to initiate their own circuit monitoring and loop-back testing. Subscribers can also choose to open, track, or update tickets for a broad range of products.

    The Repairs application enhances our customers' visibility and control over the trouble process. Customers can use this application from their own desktops or mobile devices to manage the trouble process without calling into the maintenance center. Customers may also set up notification rules to get e-mailed or paged, or receive a desktop alert pop-up, when certain ticket conditions have been met.
What types of Verizon products and services does Repairs support?
  • Repairs supports Verizon products from Local Access Circuits and POTS lines to Managed Services, IP, CPE, Long Distance voice and data services.

    Voice Services:
  • Toll Free
  • Intra-LATA Toll
  • Digital PBX Trunks
  • Outbound Long Distance
  • Voice over IP (VoIP) - Retail only

  • Data Services:
  • Private IP Service (our Layer 3 MPLS VPN)
  • Frame Relay Service
  • ATM
  • Private Line
  • Managed Services

  • IP Services:
  • Internet Dedicated
  • Dial Access
  • IP VPN Dedicated
  • IP VPN Remote Access
  • Voice over IP (VoIP) - Retail only
  • Managed Services
What is the difference between Repairs and Quick Status?
  • Repairs supports Verizon products from Local Access Circuits and POTS lines to Managed Services, IP, CPE, Long Distance voice and data services.

    Quick Status is available on the public Internet to any Verizon business customer with a Verizon trouble ticket number, without the need to log into Verizon Enterprise Center. Quick Status offers our business customers to ability to view the status of a ticket online with a limited set of activities. In the coming months, users will also be able to report a repair issue and update a ticket online using Quick Status.
Can I use Repairs to view the status of repair tickets even if I don�t create the ticket online?
  • Yes. When a ticket is generated, the system will look for user profiles in Repairs that are tied to the Service ID in the ticket and display them online accordingly.
How can I create a repair ticket online?
  • No formal training is necessary to create a repair ticket online. We have developed a Quick Start Guide that walks you through the simple steps. Note that you need to have permission � or entitlement � to the Repairs application to submit a repair ticket on Verizon Enterprise Center.
Can I see both my Verizon Business and Verizon Telecom (Verizon Partner Solutions) tickets?
  • Yes, if the user�s profile is setup to view both sets of tickets.
Can I update a ticket in Repairs with additional comments or make a request of the technician?
  • Yes. Users can add comments regarding new information found on the customer side or make requests of the Verizon technician such as:
  • Request Escalation � request the next level of escalation on the ticket.
  • Request Monitoring � request additional monitoring of a service to verify it is stable before closing the ticket.
  • Respond to Deferred Time � provide information requested by the technician when they put the ticket on hold. This might be access hours and site information, or other information.
  • Request Close � close out the ticket even before Verizon asks if you feel the service is sufficiently back in service.
  • Request Reopen � once your ticket is resolved, it is typically in a holding pattern or being monitored for stability for a period of time. If the issue recurs, or if you feel the issue was never resolved, then re-open the ticket to take it out of resolved status and put it back into open, working status.

  • The technician will be notified that a customer has entered a request and the technician can acknowledge it and act upon it as necessary.
Are there any testing capabilities in Repairs?
  • Yes. Repairs offers testing options for circuits that are DS1 and below located in the U.S., including a quick loopback test and monitor. Line testing is available for POTS lines. Additional test options are available for specific service types, such as an extended ping for dedicated Internet and Private IP, and a Full Battery and Loop Placement test for ILEC serial circuits. Descriptions are available in the online help for Repairs.
Can I get e-mail notifications when I create a repair ticket online using Repairs?
  • Yes. Using 'Manage Ticket Status Notifications' under Repair Tools, users can set up and manage rules for notifications based on events and activities that occur on their tickets. Rules can be made for all tickets generally in the profile, or customized to support individual service elements or ticket numbers. The recipients can choose to receive e-mail notifications or desktop alerts that pop up on the user's desktop when a new update is available.

Quick Status

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What is Quick Status?
  • Quick Status is an excellent tool for all Verizon enterprise customers. You can get a status on a repair that you may have called in or created on the Verizon Enterprise Center.Simply put in your ticket number and the pin you are assigned with that ticket and it will give you near real-time information on that ticket. You can get this information without logging into the Verizon Enterprise Center � designed to be simple, easy, and fast.
How do I find my Pin?
  • The Pin is the first three alpha-numeric characters of the contact name on the ticket. Special characters and spaces will not be included in the pin. If you receive status notification by e-mail, and click on the link for �View online status for this ticket�, you are taken directly to your ticket status without entering the ticket number and pin.
Why do I need a Pin?
  • The pin is provided for security purposes and is used to verify that you are accessing a ticket number that belongs to your organization.
What types of services are supported in Quick Status?
  • Quick Status supports ticket numbers in the following format: YYYYMMDDnnnnn (e.g. 2008052200345) The status will appear for tickets that are not closed and for those that have been closed within the past 6 months.

    Ticket numbers for local access services such as AAAAnnnnnn (e.g. DECY123456) and AAnnnnnn (e.g. PK123456) are also supported, but offer limited status information.
How do I read the status provided in Quick Status?
  • The status is displayed in four parts for tickets in the format of YYYYMMDDnnnnn:

    The summary information shows the high-level status of the ticket (open, deferred, resolved, closed) and when the ticket was opened.

    Milestone: A graphical view shows where your ticket is in the lifecycle of a ticket.

    Milestone Log: The full history of your ticket activities using automatically generated descriptions.

    Activity Log: Shows any summarized updates from the engineer with more specific detail, along with resolution descriptions upon resolution of the ticket.

    Update Ticket: Update and request options available to the user, according to the current status of the ticket. These options appear on the Ticket Details page up until closure of the ticket.

    For some local access tickets in the format of AAAAnnnnnn and AAnnnnnn, only the summary information is displayed in Quick Status for most inquiries.
How do I know that a request I make online is being read by the engineer working the ticket?
  • Each entry made by a user in Quick Status is entered into the ticket activity log along with a flag that is set for the engineer to review and respond.
What are these status notification e-mails I am receiving?
  • If you open a Verizon ticket on an issue by telephone, you can request to receive automated notifications showing the progress of your ticket. You can choose to be notified as a key event occurs (Event-based) or on a timed interval (Timer-based), or a combination of both. Your notifications will contain information about the current status of your ticket and will provide links to perform certain ticket activities, providing interactive communication without having to pick up the phone and sit in queue. All status notifications are communicated in U.S. English.

    In some cases, an e-mail notification will be sent on Verizon-generated tickets with links that allow recipients to review the latest status updates online.
Can I make changes to how the status notifications are communicated?
  • You can use the link in your status e-mail �Manage your email notifications� to view, edit, or delete the notification rule. Online help is available to assist in navigating the changes necessary. Your preferences will take effect immediately upon confirmation of submittal, and they will be remembered the next time a ticket is created for that service identifier. All status notifications are communicated in U.S. English.
How do I Unsubscribe from receiving status notifications?
  • You can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link (Unsubscribe from receiving notifications for this ticket) located at the bottom of the e-mail notification. Please remember that the e-mail must be sent without altering the subject. You may also use the link for �Manage your email notifications� to remove or change the e-mail address.
What are the notification methods available to me?
  • You can choose to have notifications sent as events occur on the ticket, or at a regular time interval. For event-based notifications, e-mail is the most popular and efficient method. However, there are other options available upon request. These include Pager (e-mail address only), SMS (U.S. only), and automated voice updates (U.S. only).

    For timer-based notifications, e-mail status is available.
What are Ticket Creation notifications?
  • An e-mail in U.S. English is sent upon the creation of a ticket. This e-mail acts as confirmation of your ticket number, and it contains a link for the recipient to view the status online at any time during the life of the ticket.
What are Event-based notifications?
  • Event-based notifications send status when a specified event occurs on the ticket. You can subscribe to receive information when the following events occur on your Verizon ticket:
  • Update Customer (Notes from the technician working the ticket)
  • Ticket Open
  • Test and Analysis
  • On Hold
  • Dispatch
  • Resolution
  • Close
What are Timer-based notifications?
  • Timer-based notifications send a summary of the events that occurred during the specified time period. E-mails are sent at regular intervals until your ticket closes.

    The following intervals are available:
  • 30 minutes
  • 50 minutes
  • 55 minutes
  • 60 minutes
  • 2 hours
  • 3 hours
  • 4 hours
  • 8 hours
  • 12 hours
  • 24 hours
  • 36 hours
  • 48 hours
Why do you offer both 55 and 60 minute intervals on the Timer-based notifications?
  • Although the 60-minute interval is more popular, we offer a 50 or 55-minute timer for customers who prefer to have their update prior to the one-hour mark.
How do I request a change from Event-based to Timer-based notifications?
  • You can use the link in your status e-mail �Manage your email notifications� to make this change, or you can call the maintenance center and ask your representative to modify your notification rules Your preferences will take effect immediately upon submitting them, and they will be remembered the next time a ticket is created for that service identifier.
How do I make changes to the status notifications?
  • In the e-mail notifications you receive, use the link �Manage your email notifications� to add or remove e-mail recipients, add or remove events that trigger status e-mails, or to change the time interval. You are welcome to make the changes necessary to make the status notifications meet your needs.
What are those links I see on my status notification e-mail and how do they work?
  • By using 'Access this Ticket online,' you will find the available options for updates and requests according to the current status of the ticket. Simply choose the update or request you would like to communicate to the technician working the ticket, and the screen will prompt you accordingly. These entries will post directly to the activity log of the ticket and send a flag to the engineer working the ticket.

    If you do not have access to the Internet, there are links at the bottom of the e-mail status notifications that allow you to interact with the technician. Please be sure not to alter the subject line when using these links.
  • Send an E-mail to the Verizon engineer working this ticket*
    The information you send to Verizon in your e-mail will be added to your Verizon ticket and will be reviewed by the engineer working the ticket. If the ticket has been closed since the e-mail status was sent, then the e-mail will be bounced back stating that the ticket was already closed.
  • Request Escalation on this ticket*
    Your escalation request will be noted on your ticket and reviewed by the engineer working the ticket. Please allow one hour minimum between escalation requests to allow time to get the escalation assessed and worked.
  • Confirm Resolution on this ticket*
    Your confirmation that this ticket has been resolved will be noted on your ticket and your ticket will automatically close.
  • Report that the issue still exists on this ticket*
    Your response will be noted on your ticket while the ticket is automatically re-opened and sent for review by the engineer. Your ticket can only be re-opened if it is in a Resolved status but has not yet been Closed. If your ticket is Closed and the issue still exists, a new ticket will need to be opened to work the issue. If you are still experiencing issues, please open a new ticket with your Customer Service Center representative.
  • Unsubscribe from receiving notifications for this ticket
    You may stop receiving status notifications for a ticket by choosing this link. Requests to unsubscribe apply only to the ticket number referenced in the e-mail.
  • Send us an email.
    Suggestions and comments sent to this link go to analysts working to improve status notifications. This link is not used to actively restore your service.
    Your feedback is welcome.
  • *Not available for all status notifications
What should I do when you tell me to verify power and equipment?
  • Follow these steps to confirm that lack of power to your equipment is not causing the service disruption. When a Verizon technician is able to see a clear path on our network to the customer demarcation point, it may be that the power or equipment is disabling service.
    1. Check the equipment for loose plugs, broken wires, or anything that looks unusual.
    2. Check that the AC power is working from the outlet plug all the way to the equipment.
    3. Note if any service activity has been done at the circuit location recently (for example, a Verizon truck has been in the area or some order activity has been implemented).
    4. Identify if the service was in use prior to the ticket creation, or if this is the first time the service is being used.
Why do I get an e-mail saying you can�t process my request because my ticket is closed?
  • When you receive a status notification indicating that your ticket is now resolved, you have three options. Choose �Access this ticket online� and choose to close the ticket, reopen the ticket, or take no action. If Verizon does not hear from you in 24-72 hours from the time of the Ticket Resolution, then the ticket closes. If you are still experiencing issues, please open a new ticket with your Customer Service Center representative.
Why do I get an e-mail saying that you can�t process my request and I need to make sure I have not altered my subject line?
  • There are two reasons this occurs:

    You have altered the subject line in the e-mail template created when clicking on a link in the status e-mail. Click on the link again and leave the subject line unaltered.

    The e-mail address we have on this ticket does not match the e-mail account from which you are sending the feedback.

    Please ensure that you do not alter the subject line of the email and that you are not sending the feedback from a different e-mail address than the one originally provided.
Do you have a Mobility option for these notifications?
  • Yes. Status notifications are viewable using mobile devices (such as smart phones and PDAs) in addition to viewing them using any type of personal computer such as laptops, desktops, or notebooks.


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What types of Verizon Business products and services can I order?
  • With the Verizon Enterprise Center�s Order application, you can place and status orders for many Verizon Business products and services. Standard Business Lines are among the most commonly ordered products submitted through online ordering. The specific products that can be ordered online are determined when you get entitlement � or permission � to the Verizon Enterprise Center Orders application. A complete list of products is presented when you access the Orders tab to begin the ordering process.
How do I view the product catalog?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, Click Orders.
    2. Click Create Orders.
    3. The products you are authorized to order are displayed in the Product Selection page.
How can I cancel or delete a user id on Verizon Enterprise Center?
  • Contact your Verizon Account Team to cancel your User ID.
How can I download the summary of orders table?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, Click Orders.
    2. Click the Save to all to File button in the View Orders section.
    3. In the File Download pop-up window, click Save, to save the table information as a .csv file to your computer.
How can I change the billing information?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, Click Orders.
    2. Select Change Billing Record from the Manage Data, Voice & IP section and click the red arrow button.
    3. Enter the Billing Account Number (BAN) and click Next.
    4. Select the applicable check boxes from the following options: Billing Name and/or Billing Address, Billing Contact, and Tax Exemption Information and click Next.
    5. Enter the applicable details in the fields provided to replace existing details and click Next for each step.
    6. Verify the details you have entered and click Submit.
What is the significance of the Learn More link on the Product Catalog page?
  • Click Learn More on the Product Selection page to view the various products available in each product category. For Instance click on the Learn More link in the VOIP section to view the VOIP sub products.
What is Advanced View mode and Guide Me mode?
  • Advanced mode displays all steps of an order on one page so you can view/enter relevant information at one time. This method is recommended for ordering specialists or for those who are familiar with the ordering process for a specific product or service.

    Guide Me mode displays an overview page for each step, followed by a data gathering form. This method is recommended for new VEC users or users who are ordering a product or service for which they are not familiar.
What is a generic product?
  • Generic products are the products that do not require any configuration information to be provided in the data gathering forms while ordering.
What is a selected items?
  • The selected items enables you to add and accumulate a list of products that you want to purchase online with a single payment. With the help of the selected items, you can add or remove the products, and view a consolidated list of all products selected before purchasing. You can also make changes to the order information from the Review and Submit page by clicking the Edit button in the respective section.
How can I add products to a selected items?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, Click Orders.
    2. Select Install from the Create new order drop-down menu and click the red arrow button.
    3. Select a product.
    4. Click Configure/Modify next to each section and enter the appropriate information in all the required fields in each of the forms and click Save.
    5. Click Proceed to Checkout.
    6. Verify the order information and click Submit Order to complete the ordering process or click Continue Shopping to add further products to the selected items.
How can I order a product?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, Click Orders.
    2. Select Install from the Create new order drop-down menu and click the red arrow button.
    3. Select a product.
    4. Click Configure/Modify next to each section and enter the appropriate information in all the required fields in each of the forms and click Save.
    5. Click Proceed to Checkout.
    6. Verify the order information and click Submit Order to complete the ordering process or click Continue Shopping to add further products to the selected items.
How can I place a Disconnect Order
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, Click Orders.
    2. Select Disconnect from the Create new order drop-down menu and click the red arrow button.
    3. Enter the billing account number in the Billing Account Number text field.
    4. Select the applicable radio button to disconnect all or individual services in the billing account and click Next.
    5. Enter the appropriate information in all the required fields in the Disconnect Information page and click Save.
    6. Verify the details you have entered and click Submit Order.
How can I change my service?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. Select Change from the Create new order drop-down menu in the Create Orders section.
    2. Select the product.
    3. Enter/Provide appropriate information in all the required fields in the Account Selection, Change Service Information and Details pages and click Next.
    4. Verify the details you have entered and click Submit.
How can I add a contact?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. Click Manage my Contact Book from the Create Orders section on the Orders page.
    2. Click Select Customer Account from the Contact Book pop-up window.
    3. Select a customer from the Customer Selection drop-down list.
    4. Enter the billing account number in the Billing Account Number (BAN) text field and click Search.
    5. Select a customer from the search results and click Select.
    6. Click Add from the All Contacts information table on the Contact Book Page.
    7. Enter the appropriate details in all the required fields and click Submit.
How can I add a address?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. Click Manage my Contact Book from the Create Orders section on the Orders page.
    2. Click the Addresses tab and then click Customer Account.
    3. Select a customer from the Customer Selection drop-down list.
    4. Enter the billing account number in the Billing Account Number (BAN) text field and click Search.
    5. Select a customer from the search results and click Select.
    6. Select the respective header tab from Domestic Addresses, PO box addresses or International Addresses and Click Add.
    7. Enter the address details in all the required fields and click Submit.
How can I move a service?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. Select Move from the Create new order drop-down menu in the Create Orders section.
    2. Click the applicable Verizon generic product name.
    3. Enter the billing account number in the Billing Account Number (BAN) text field.
    4. Select one of the following to choose the service request from the Select Service drop-down menu:
      Digital Signal Level 1 (DS1); Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS); Remote Call Forwarding (RCF); All other Services.
    5. Select the applicable radio button to select either all or individual telephone numbers/circuits for a move of service request and click Next.
    6. Enter the number in the Telephone Number field and click Select to add telephone numbers that are to be moved
      click Retrieve Telephone Number List to select the numbers to be added.
    7. Select the applicable telephone numbers and click Apply and then click Next.
    8. Enter applicable values in all the required fields and click Next.
    9. Verify the details you have entered and click Submit.
How can I register in Verizon Enterprise Center?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. Click Register on the Verizon Enterprise Center Sign in page.
    2. Enter your first name, last name, contact details, and company information in all the appropriate fields.
    3. Click Submit.
    4. An email with a confirmation code will be sent to the email ID provided during the registration process.
    5. Click the link provided on the email.
    6. Enter the verification code received in the Verification Code text field and click Next.
    7. Enter the user ID in the User ID text field on the Create User ID & Password page.
    8. Enter your password in the Password and Confirm Password text fields.
    9. Select a password hint question from the Password Hint drop-down menu.
    10. Enter the answer for the selected password hint question in the Answer text field and click Submit.
    11. The Confirmation - Registration Completed page displays
    12. Click the Sign In link.
    13. Enter your User ID and Password.
    14. Click Sign In.
    15. Read the terms and conditions and click the I accept the Terms and Conditions check-box.
How can I view the order details?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, click View Orders.
    2. Click the appropriate Order ID.
What is the significance of the customize button on the Orders home page?
  • The Customize button on the Orders page enables you to customize the Summary of Orders table based on request status, order status, customer name, and so on.
How can I customize the summary of orders table?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, click View Orders.
    2. Click Customize.
    3. Identify columns that you want to display in the Orders Summary Table in the Available Columns box and click Add.
    4. You can also set the order in which the columns appear by pressing the �up� or �down� button.
    5. Click Apply.
    6. Click Ok.
How can I search for my orders?
  • Follow these instructions:
    1. On the Verizon Enterprise Center home page, click View Orders.
    2. Select one of the search options from the following:

      Keyword Search: Enter any word in the text field and click the red arrow button.

      Created By: Select this option if you know the name of the person who created the order request.

      Order Status: Select this option to search the orders based on Order status such as Pending, Submitted or Cancelled.

      Order Type: Select this option to search the order based on the order type such as Install, Change Service, and Disconnect and so on.

      Product: Select this option to conduct a search based on the ordered product.

      State/Region: Select this option to search the order based on the State/Region entered in the data gathering forms.

      City: Select this option to search the order based on the requested order due date.

      Requested Due Date: Select this option to search the order based on the requested order due date.
How do I submit a request for disconnecting a service?
  • At Verizon we make every effort to support you with consistent, high-quality service and provide you with access to the information and status updates you need. Thank you for choosing Verizon for your business communication needs.
    1. To perform a disconnect request on-line, visit the Verizon Enterprise Center at https://enterprisecenter.verizon.com. To register, simply click the Register button.
    2. If you are not Enrolled and would still like to submit a disconnect request, please click on this Letter of Disconnect form and submit your request.

Network Tools

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What is Dashboard?
  • With our network management dashboard, get a single, near real-time overview of network alarms, trouble ticket status, network availability information and worldwide service location topology. Additionally, for users who have facilities that are critical to their business operations, the Dashboard can assist with contingency planning by providing near real-time National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) severe weather advisories. The Billing Management tab consists of a number of Verizon Business and Verizon Wireless billing summary and trend reports.

Resources and Miscellaneous

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What is the Resources tab?
  • The "Resources" tab can help you better understand your Verizon Business products. With short cuts to access forms, download the eFTP client or send apage. You�ll find it quick and easy to access up-to-date product information. You�ll also fin IP reference tools, service level agreements, IP domain tools, and general reference tools including tariffs, USOC (Uniform Service Order Code) manuals, and product availability information.
What is the Message Center?
  • The Message Center allows Verizon Business to communicate information pertinent to the tools you use and the business functions that you perform on the portal. For example, notification of tool enhancements and maintenance windows will be communicated through this area. You can also view News and Tips. After logging in, you will see the Message Center on the side of the page on each tab.
What are Quick Links?
  • A Quick Link will appear for each task you are entitled to use in the portal. Click the link for quick access to the tool that allows you to perform that task. Click the Customize button to choose the tasks you want displayed in the Quick Links section.